People who breathe bad air for a long time get really sick. 凡是长时间呼吸恶劣空气的人可能会生重病。
Pollution in the air has made many people sick. 空气中的污染让很多人都得了病。
Operating Air Separation Plant on day/ night shift as operators backup when there is any operators taking vacation or sick leaves. 当操作工休假或请病假时,能在日班/夜班作为后备人员顶替操作空分厂。
Her village was2000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick. 他的村庄海拔2000米。起初,稀薄的空气让她感到恶心。
If we breathe polluted air for a long time, we may get sick. 如果我们长期呼吸被污染了的空气,我们可能会生病;
At first the thin air made her feel sick. 起初稀薄的空气使她感觉恶心。
The results of studies indicate that house plants not only improve air quality but can boost productivity and reduce the amount of sick leave taken by staff. 研究结果表明室内植物不仅可以改善空气质量,而且还能提高生产率并减少员工请病假的次数。
With the massive uses of air conditioning, a series of problems such as sick building syndrome ( SBS), energy waste appear in modern office buildings. 由于传统空调的大量使用,使得现代办公建筑产生了一系列诸如病态建筑综合症、能源浪费等问题。
People's healthy and working effectiveness have been influenced by bad indoor air quality heavily, which is called building diseases such as sick building syndrome. 因室内空气质量(IndoorAirQuality,IAQ)所导致的病态建筑综合症(SickBuildingSyndrome)等建筑相关疾病,已影响到人们的身心健康和工作效率。
Characteristic analysis of air conditioning systems in sick buildings 空调系统在病态建筑中的特征分析
As a main indoor pollutant, suspended particles in the air can cause certain sick syndromes and other acute or chronic health effects. 悬浮颗粒物是室内空气的主要污染源,可进入人体呼吸系统,导致诸多疾病症状和各种不利影响,对人类健康造成很大威胁。
As one of the passive cooling method, natural ventilation can not only improve the indoor air quality, decrease the incidence of Sick Building Syndrome ( SBS), but also reduce the operation energy consumption of architecture. 自然通风作为一种被动式降温手段,它不仅可以改善室内空气品质,减少病态建筑综合症的发生率,而且较大程度上降低了建筑运行能耗。